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Parking Arrangement 泊車安排

Because the availability of parking spaces is limited, you are encouraged to carpool as much as possible. When the parking lot is full, the driver may drop off the passengers at Crosspoint and proceed to park the vehicle at the VTA Milpitas Transit Center parking. Shuttle vans will be available throughout the day to move drivers between Crosspoint and the Milpitas Transit Center.


Please plan on arriving at Crosspoint through Gibraltar Court (as shown by the yellow pin in the picture).


If parking spots are still available, traffic controllers will help directing you there. See the parking lot map below. Parking lot entrances are marked by P.

If the parking lot is full, you will be directed to drop off the passengers and given a shuttle van pass with a direction direction to the VTA Milpitas Transit Center parking.

Click to locate the yellow pin on Google Map.

Parking Lot Map


VTA Milpitas Transit Center Parking

Follow Gibraltar Drive all the way. Make a right turn to S Milpitas Blvd. Follow S Milpitas Blvd, crossing over Montague Expressway, to VTA Milpitas Transit Center parking.

Click to bring up the route on Google Map.


When you are ready to leave, proceed to the drop-off/pick-up location at Gibraltar Court. Passengers may wait at the pick-up location. Shuttle vans will be available to take the drivers to VTA Milpitas Transit Center Parking.


On leaving the VTA Milpitas Transit Parking, make a right turn to S Milpitas Blvd. Make a U-turn at the first juncture. Then, drive back in reverse to the Crosspoint pick-up/drop-off.

Click to bring up the route on Google Map.

Google Map.jpg
Bart Route.jpg
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