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Speakers 嘉賓 (San Jose)

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蕭若元 - 香港資深傳媒工作者時事評論員,前電視電影編劇主持人 畢業於香港大學歷史系, 1967年加入無綫電視擔任無綫新聞,新聞報道員,同年擔任六點半新聞報道主播,直至1975年轉職麗的電視。1991年,他以電影《跛豪》獲《香港電影金像獎》「最佳編劇」和「最佳電影」。過往曾監製《法內情》、《跛豪》、《武狀元蘇乞兒》、《鹿鼎記》、《唐伯虎點秋香》、《逃學威龍Ⅲ之龍過雞年》等膾炙人口電影。

Stephen Shiu - Taiwan-based media personality, businessperson, film producer, screenwriter, news presenter, and pundit. He founded Hong Kong Reporter in 2004, an internet radio station focused on live talk radio broadcasting. In 2013 he founded, a multimedia news site, after Hong Kong Reporter was closed. He studied History at the University of Hong Kong following his A-levels. In 1987, Shiu began collaborating with Wong Yuk-long in creating popular comics such as Zui Quan and Oriental Heroes, on which films Drunken Master and Dragon Tiger Gate were based, respectively.


林修榮 - 銀行家, 38歲成為聯合銀行總裁 (前美國華人最大銀行, 現稱華美銀行),後兼任董事會主席,卻在45歲宣佈提早退休。此後全部時間專心當義工至今, 輔導華人理財, 經常被邀請作公開演講。林先生每週主持三個現場理財問答電台節目,分別為三藩市、洛杉機和紐約華人解答問題,每星期為星島日報撰寫財經專欄,並每天透過電子郵件為全美華人解答財務問題,和定時在屋崙角聲中心接見有財務需要的家庭。林先生擁有加州大學柏克萊分校 (U.C. Berkeley) 商科碩士學位,主修國際金融與會計學。 

Lam Sau-Wing - former banker, graduated with an MBA degree from U.C. Berkeley. Thereafter he held senior executive positions in banking, finance and telecommunications. His last position was the Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of the United Commercial Bank, then the largest bank in the Chinese community in the U.S.. When he turned 45, with God’s grace, he retired from the commercial world so he can devote all his time in a financial stewardship ministry. For the past 20 some years he has been using financial management as a tool to reach the unsaved with the gospel. To avoid any kind of conflict of interest, and by God’s grace, he remains an unpaid volunteer throughout these 20 years of ministry.


程翔 - 1973年畢業於香港大學經濟系,1974年加入香港報章《文匯報》工作,曾出任該報駐北京辦事處主任及副總編。程翔曾創辦《當代》周刊(後改月刊),專門報導分析中國問題。1996年出任新加坡《海峽時報》中國首席特派員,2009年退休。

Ching Cheong - graduated from Hong Kong University in 1973 with a degree in Economics. In 1974, he joined the pro-Communist China newspaper Wen Wei Po 文匯報, of which he eventually became vice-editorial manager. In 1996, he joined the staff of the Singapore-based Straits Times, started his retirement in 2009.

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