Purpose 活動目的
" " aims to promote Hong Kong culture. Through this festival, we would like to restore the legendary Hong Kong culture and experience the latest Hong Kong pop culture at the same time. Connecting the old and new immigrants together and helping with each other, this is the valuable Lion Rock Spirit that we are proud of.
「 」旨在推廣香港文化,藉此活動重拾舊日香港情懷,同時亦可體驗最新香港流行文化,連結新舊移民港人,發揮互助互勉嘅獅子山精神!
About Us 關於我們
“ ” is organized by a group of volunteers who dedicate to preserve Hong Kong culture, we have met online and united together as we share the same beliefs and love Hong Kong culture. Through real life activities and virtual platforms, we are committed to bring Hong Kongers together who scatter all over the world. We aim to gather the Hong Kongers' power to create a Hong Kong community jointly, to pass on the unique Hong Kong culture to our next generation, and to promote the culture to different races.
「 」由一群致力傳承香港文化嘅義工團隊組成,我哋擁有相同信念並熱愛香港,經網絡認識凝聚一起。通過實體活動及網上平台,我哋一直匯聚散落各地嘅香港人,集合香港人嘅力量,共同創建港人社區群體,推廣及傳承獨特香港文化比我哋下一代,以及不同族裔嘅人認識。