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FREE (pre-registered e-ticket)
6/22/22 at 8pm (Sold out)
6/29/22 at 8pm (Sold out)
Eventbrite Registration
1) Check the above “Tickets” button on 6/29 (Wed) at 8pm
2) Pick the time slot you are visiting
3) Confirm and ready to rock!
Friendly Reminders:
1) No password is required after 6/29 at 8pm (PT)
1) 6月29日晚上8時(美西) 按以上"Tickets"按鈕
3) 確認及廣邀親朋好友一起參加🤘🏻
1) 6月29日晚上8時(美西)後,無需密碼領取門票
Hong Kong Carnival aims to promote Hong Kong Culture widely, therefore, it is FREE to attend the event. An e-ticket is required to attend Hong Kong Carnival. The tickets can be registered on June 29, 2022 via Eventbrite.
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